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다운로드) #1 AIAA_Active Control of Solar Array Dynamics During Spacecraft Maneuvers
2016년 1월 개최된 AIAA SciTech Conference에서 NASA의 우주선 개발과 관련된 RecurDyn의 활용 사례에 대한 논문 2편이 발표되었습니다. ( http://www.aiaa-scitech.org/?_ga=1.15552181.240458809.1448730114)
첫번째 논문은 비선형 구조해석 (nonlinear FEA) 소프트웨어로는 수렴성과 해석 시간 부분에서 어려운 문제였으나, RecurDyn으로 좋은 결과를 얻을 수 있었던 사례입니다. (기존의 비선형 구조해석 방식으로 6시간 가까이 걸리던 해석은 RecurDyn을 이용하여 5분안에 해석)
또 하나의 논문은 위의 연구를 진행함에 있어 RecurDyn의 커스터마이징을 이용하여 손쉬운 UI를 구성하여 반복적인 해석을 자동화한 내용입니다.
제목과 초록은 아래와 같으며, 연구 내용과 관련된 부분적인 자료를 pdf로 첨부하였습니다.
#1 Active Control of Solar Array Dynamics During Spacecraft Maneuvers
Recent NASA mission plans require spacecraft to undergo potentially significant maneuvers (or dynamic loading events) with large solar arrays deployed. Therefore there is an increased need to understand and possibly control the nonlinear dynamics in the spacecraft system during such maneuvers. The development of a nonlinear controller is described. The utility of using a nonlinear controller to reduce forces and motion in a solar array wing during a loading event is demonstrated. The result is dramatic reductions in system forces and motion during a 10 second loading event. A motion curve derived from the simulation with the closed
(아래 이미지를 클릭하면 동영상으로 보실 수 있습니다.)
#2 Simulation of the Deployment of a Flexible Roll-Up Solar Array Using Multi-Body Dynamics Software
Future missions to the outer planets will require significant power that may be provided by large, 300 kW class, flexible roll-up solar arrays. To support the development of these arrays there is high value in simulating the nonlinear dynamics of stowing, deploying, and performance of large deployable solar array structures, especially with the profound limitations of physical testing. Physical testing of prototypes on earth with gravity can be difficult or impossible. Multi-body dynamics software is an ideal platform for developing simulations modeling deployment of flexible, spacecraft structures. This paper presents a dynamic simulation of the deployment of a roll-up solar array using multi-body dynamics modeling software. Additionally, the paper presents the development of a set of software tools that automate tedious tasks associated with developing models of these structures. The tools will aid in the development of future simulation of structures using roll-up boom technology.