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글 편집
글 편집 (이전 에디터)
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Version | {{ post.target_version }} | Product |
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Tutorial/Manual | {{ post.manual_title }} | Attached File | {{ post.file.upload_filename }} |
Suppose that your model contains multiple springs and you want to set all of the spring coefficients to 200. To do so, you can use the Multi-Select function, one of the many convenient functions included in RecurDyn.
To change the coefficients of multiple springs, select the springs that you want to edit in the Working window or the Database pane. (Click and drag the mouse around the relevant springs or hold down Ctrl and click each spring to select multiple springs.)
Then, press the P key to open the entity dialog window. The entity dialog window displays the properties of the selected entities. In this example, three entities are selected.
Set the Spring Coefficient to the desired value, and then click OK to apply the specified value to all of the springs.
You can also use the Multi-Select function to change the values of other entities, such as bodies, joints, forces, or contacts.
If the selected entities have different parameter values, then the parameter field will be empty and the parameter value will not change when you click OK. However, if you enter a value in an empty parameter field before you click OK, then the value will be applied to all the selected entities.
In some cases, it is better to use a parametric value (PV) than to enter a value manually. You can do this by defining a parametric value (PV) and setting the parameter field to use that PV. Then, you can change the parameter simply by changing the PV without opening the entity dialog window.