{{ post.title }}
글 편집
글 편집 (이전 에디터)
{{ post.author.name }}
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Version | {{ post.target_version }} | Product |
{{ product.name }}
Tutorial/Manual | {{ post.manual_title }} | Attached File | {{ post.file.upload_filename }} |
RecurDyn issues two types of messages to indicate problems: Error messages and warning messages.
Error messages indicate a problem that disables analysis. Warning messages indicate a problem that may adversely affect analysis but does not disable analysis. In some cases, you can simply ignore warning messages.
Nevertheless, it is quite annoying to have warning messages frequently interrupting your work. For example, while you are creating a body that has only curves or surfaces, the "Mass is zero" or "Inertia moment is zero" warning messages will appear.
Error or warning messages are issued before you start the simulation or export an rmd file. They are also issued when you use Object Control functions to change the origins and orientations of modeling elements. The problem is that the same messages appear each time you move an object with the Object Control functions.
Fortunately, there are two ways of hiding these messages.
Solution 1. On the Home tab, in the Model Setting group, click Simulation.
Then, clear the Show Warning Message checkbox to disable warning messages.
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Solution 2. Use the excludemessage.txt file
Create a text file named excludemessage.txt. In this file, enter the numbers of the warning and error messages that you don't want to appear in RecurDyn.
Copy the file to the RecurDynfolder\versionname folder in the My Documents folder on your computer.
The warning and error messages defined in the file will no longer appear in RecurDyn.
(To apply the file, you must restart RecurDyn.)
For example, a user with the username ronaldo wants to apply the excludemessage.txt file to RecurDyn V8R3, so he copies the file to the following path:
The sample excludemessage.txt file defines two messages.
If this file is copied to the folder above, the two warning/error messages will no longer appear in RecurDyn.
(You can see a number of a warning or error message in the dialog window displayed in RecurDyn.)
Note that the second solution is not an officially supported function and may not be supported in future versions of the program.
Although frequent warning or error messages may annoy you, they may also help you prevent critical errors in your model.
Therefore, we recommend to hide messages only when it is necessary.