{{ post.title }}
글 편집
글 편집 (이전 에디터)
{{ post.author.name }}
Posted on
Version | {{ post.target_version }} | Product |
{{ product.name }}
Tutorial/Manual | {{ post.manual_title }} | Attached File | {{ post.file.upload_filename }} |
Different CAE softwares have its own mouse operations.
For example, to rotate the view, RecurDyn users should click R and move the mouse.
But in ANSYS Workbench, user needs to click Middle button of the mouse and move the mouse.
RecurDyn provides the customization interface for mouse operation.
- click Right button on the Ribbon control
- Select 'Customize Quick Access Toolbar...'
- Choose 'View Operation' tab of Customize dialog.
- Check 'Customization' box and set your preferred setting.
For example, you can set the setting as below to use the similar operation with ANSYS Workbench for rotation.