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Some bodies may be omitted from the Merge Body dialog box if they are connected to joints, forces or contacts. When this occurs, the following message window will appear to show the unlisted bodies.


The Merge Body function is very useful when you import a CAD file and you need to merge the geometries of several bodies into a single body. This function allows you to improve analysis efficiency by merging bodies rather than connecting them with fixed joints.

In the following example, the three bodies selected in the Source Body pane are merged into Body4 defined in the Target Body field.


If the bodies are merged successfully, Body1, Body2, and Body3 will disappear and their geometries will be included in Body4.


In some cases, the bodies in a model may not appear in the Source Body list in the Merge Body dialog window. This problem occurs because the Merge Body dialog window does not show any bodies that are connected to joints, forces, or contacts. If such bodies were to be merged, some of their properties may be lost or changed. To merge such bodies, you must first delete all connected joints, forces or contacts. After merging the bodies, you can define necessary joints, forces or contacts again.