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글 편집
글 편집 (이전 에디터)
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Structural analysis is often used when the safety of the structure needs to be verified when external force is applied or weight lightning is needed or to improve the strength.
Users can do the dynamic structural analysis directly using MFBD technology of RecurDyn. However, sometimes it is useful to calculate the load conditions of the dynamic model and use them as the input condition of the static structural analysis.
This article introduces how to retrieve the reaction force/torque at the joints using RecurDyn Expression.
The resulting data of the joints (Plot Data) are relative to the Global coordinate except Driving Force.
But in order to use the load data for the structural analysis, the reaction force must be relative to the local coordinate of the specific body. You can transform the reference frame using Expression..
Usually, FM, FX, FY, FZ, TM, TX, TY, TZ are used to retrieve the force and torque. They return the force and torque using two markers of the force entity or the joint entity. (Please refer to Expression Handbook (PDF) for the details.)
If you want to retrieve the X-Y-Z forces applied to the following joint, you should make the expression as below.
The last argument should be the local reference marker of the body which will be used for the structural analysis.
- FX(LCA.Marker1, Knuckle.Marker1, LCA.ref)
- FY(LCA.Marker1, Knuckle.Marker1, LCA.ref)
- FZ(LCA.Marker1, Knuckle.Marker1, LCA.ref)
If you want to retrieve the forces from the several joints which constrains the same body for the structural analysis, you should use the same local reference marker for all the expressions.
You can draw a graph of the result of the expression using 'Request'.
Please refer to the below article to know how to use Request.
The load condition affect the accuracy of the result of the structural analysis.
In other words, the load condition calculated by the dynamic analysis using RecurDyn can improve the accuracy.