{{ post.title }}
글 편집
글 편집 (이전 에디터)
{{ post.author.name }}
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Version | {{ post.target_version }} | Product |
{{ product.name }}
Tutorial/Manual | {{ post.manual_title }} | Attached File | {{ post.file.upload_filename }} |
In RecurDyn, most of the selection operation is done with mouse clicks, but it is possible to select nodes or elements by ID.
Please watch the below video first.
To select nodes or elements, you need to select the 'Select Node' option or 'Select Element' option from the toolbar on the left side.
In order to select nodes/elements with keyboard inputs, you need to use 'Input Window' as below image.
For example, If you input "1, 2, 3, 4, 5", then the nodes (or elements) corresponding to them are selected
or, if you input "1-5", then the nodes (or elements) that satisfy the condition (1 ≤ ID ≤ 5) are selected.
(For example, if there are Nodes whose ID are 1, 2, and 5, then 3 nodes are selected.)
You can use keyboard inputs to create Node Set or Element Set.
You need to use 'Add/Remove' to use IDs to select nodes or elements