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글 편집
글 편집 (이전 에디터)
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Angles are often used in function expressions.
So, sometimes angles need to be converted between degrees (˚) and radians.
- Degrees to Radians
- Radians to Degrees
We know that the conversion is very simple.
We just need to multiply π/180 (= 0.0174533) to convert degrees to radians .
if we need to convert radians to degrees , we need to multiply 180/π (= 57.2958).
degrees to radians
radian = degree * 0.0174533
radians to degrees
degree = radian * 57.2958
RecurDyn provides very easy ways for angle conversion.
1. 2 constants, DTOR and RTOD
- DTOR means Degrees to Radians. It is π/180 (= 0.0174533).
RTOD means Radians to Degrees. It is 180/π (= 57.2958)
- You can multiply DTOR or RTOD appropriately.
2. Using a suffix, 'D'
- 180D means 180 degrees.
180D is used as 180*0.0174533 = π in RecurDyn expression
- Please see No. 5 in the below image
With these 2 ways, you can easily use any angle unit between degrees and radians.
Please refer to the above image.
It shows several examples of Degrees to Radians and Radians to Degrees.