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A RecurDyn model is stored as an *.rdyn file.

Let's say that you have multiple rdyn files, but you are not quite sure what models each one is.

To confirm what model it is, you need to open each of them in RecurDyn. In this process, it may take more time than expected to do so if the model is large.

At this time, there are 2 ways to simply check the contents of the rdyn file.

1. Use File Explorer

Open the File Explorer, and select Extra large icons/Large icons/Medium Icons in the [View]-[Layout] section, then you can see the screenshot of each file.


2. Use RecurDyn Version Checker

You can use RecurDyn Version Checker which is explained in the below article.

The main purpose of RecurDyn Version Checker is to check which version of RecurDyn rdyn file was saved in.

But you can also check the screenshot of the rydn file.

If you just want to check the screenshot of a specific model, it may be more convenient to use File Explorer. However, if you want to check the version information as well, it is more effective to use RecurDyn Version Checker.

For your reference, RecurDyn Version Checker is located in:

<installationPath>\Bin\Utility에 RDVersionChecker.exe

RecurDyn Version Checker.jpg