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글 편집
글 편집 (이전 에디터)
{{ post.author.name }}
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Version | {{ post.target_version }} | Product |
{{ product.name }}
Tutorial/Manual | {{ post.manual_title }} | Attached File | {{ post.file.upload_filename }} |
When creating a curve in RecurDyn's Geometry Edit Mode, you can use the Combine Curve function to combine multiple curves into a single curve. This allows for creating a surface or solid more conveniently.
The Combine Curve function is available in [Geometry (Body) Edit Mode > Geometry tab > Curve group].
If you need to extend existing curves and combine them into a single curve, you can perform the task more easily by using the creation option for the extension when creating an outline or arc.
- Arc: [Vertex, Direction, Radius, Point], [Vertex, Direction, Radius, Angle]
Outline: [Vertex, MultiPoint], [Vertex, Distance, MultiPoint]