Technical Support

What's New in MBD for ANSYS 19 글 편집

What’s New in MBD for ANSYS 19


1. FMI support

This allows MBD for ANSYS to be co-simulated with applications that support FMI.

  • ANSYS Simplorer
  • AMESim
  • SimulationX

FMI 1.0 and FMI 2.0 are supported.


2. Nonlinear stiffness and damping in bushings and contacts

Nonlinear stiffness and damping can be defined using a spline. More feasible model can be simulated using the nonlinearity.


3. Force Display setting in Pre-processor

Force Display is one of the most useful feature of the post-processor of MBD for ANSYS. But use had to change the setting whenever user launches the post-processor. The Force Display field can be set in pre-processor and it is used to automatically display forces during post-processor.


4. New tutorial and updated tutorials 

A new tutorial has been added to demonstrate co-simulation with Simulink. And other tutorials have been updated also.
