RecurDyn V9R1 : Solver Upgrade 글 편집 글 편집 (이전 에디터)
RecurDyn Solver Enhancements
Various improvements have been made to solver.
- Optimized algorithm and various options to improve the speed and accuracy of solver.
- Accuracy improvement through algorithm upgrade for various numerical damping
- Minimized effects on numerical damping
- Improved accuracy for rotation(revolution?) problems
- Step size management considering angle variation of body (1)
- 회Algorithm improvement on rotation calculation
- Improved analysis speed through solver optimization (2)
- Improved SMP performance through efficiency of parallel processing
- Improved memory handling of solver for larger model simulation
- Solver determines the optimal algorithm according to the DOFs of the model (3)
- Options to control the time step size of solver and the frequency of the Jacobian evaluation (4)