Technical Support

Professional (MBD) 글 편집 글 편집 (이전 에디터)

The base component of RecurDyn is RecurDyn/Professional. RecurDyn/Professional provides the capacity for all pre- and post-processing, simulating, and and analyzing rigid body systems. It also includes a complete customization environment. RecurDyn/Professional is required to use any additional toolkits. Toolkits add functionality to RecurDyn/Professional, including GUI features and solver code specific to the field of the toolkit. RecurDyn/Professional includes RecurDyn/Modeler, the pre- and post-processing environment, RecurDyn/Solver, and RecurDyn/ProcessNet, the customization environment. RecurDyn/Professional provides rigid body analysis. It includes a library of algebraic, idealized constraints and a library of rigid-to-rigid body contact algorithms .

RecurDyn/Professional can perform various kinds of analyses: Dynamics Statics Position, Velocity, and Acceleration at the initial time Design Studies and Design of Experiments.


  • Fast and reliable mechanical system simulation
  • Familiar user interface: CAD-like & Windows-native
  • Powerful 2D/3D surface contact modeling
  • Advanced flexible body dynamics
  • Automated modeling using exclusive toolkits

Benefits of RecurDyn for Multi-Body Dynamics


RecurDyn/Modeler is RecurDyn's powerful, yet simple and intuitive GUI. It is a complete pre- and post-processing environment for rigid Multi-Body Dynamics (MBD) . It provides the ability to create models, set up all model parameters and data, and initiate and control the solver, display simulation output in both plots and through animations, and create and manipulate output data files.

RecurDyn/Modeler allows for models to be created graphically with simple mouse and keyboard commands to rapidly position bodies, define joints, force elements, contact, and other elements visually and intuitively.

  • Body can be imported into RecurDyn/Modeler directly from CAD
  • Body can be created using various body-creation tools in the GUI. Supported CAD file formats include:
    • Parasolid (.x_t, .x_b, .xmt_txt, .xmt_bin)
    • STEP (.step, .stp)
    • ACIS (.sat)
    • IGES (.igs)
    • CATIA (.CATPart, CATProduct)
    • Shell (.shl)
    • STL (.stl)

(* STEP, CATIA, ACIS, and IGES importing capabilities each require an additional purchase)

RecurDyn/Modeler can be extended for many purposes including flexible bodies, media transport systems such as printers and roll-to-roll media handlers, tracked vehicles, and others through various additional toolkits.


RecurDyn/Solver is the class-leading solver for Multi-Body Dynamics. RecurDyn/Solver is based on advanced computational and numerical technologies, making it incredibly fast, stable, and robust, even for systems that contain very complex contact conditions. RecurDyn/Solver included with RecurDyn/Professional simulates rigid body systems. It can be extended to provide additional capacities through toolkits. For example, RecurDyn can be extended to simulate flexible bodies, media transport systems such as printers, elasto-hydrodynamic bushings, and mechatronics control systems through toolkits. RecurDyn/Solver combines these systems into a coupled system of equations that are solved simultaneously rather than through co-simulation, which makes RecurDyn/Solver faster and much more robust.

RecurDyn/Solver for rigid body systems provides the implicit Generalized-Alpha method and DASSL for numerical integration of differential equations. RecurDyn/Solver can perform both static analysis as well as dynamic analysis.

  • Pre Analysis
  • Static Analysis
  • Dynamic Analysis
  • Using the recursive formula by the relative coordinate
  • DASSL / Implicit G-Alpha /Track G-Alpha integrators


RecurDyn/ProcessNet is a powerful, script-based customization environment that is built into RecurDyn/Professional. RecurDyn/ProcessNet allows users to create their own GUI features for RecurDyn/Modeler that can manipulate model data, create customized dialog boxes and UI features, automate tasks, and encapsulate domain knowledge and best practices. RecurDyn/ProcessNet can access and manipulate both pre-processing data as well as post-processing data.

RecurDyn/ProcessNet uses Microsoft.NET for the scripting environment. Scripts can be created using C#, Visual Basic.Through RecurDyn/ProcessNet, users can dramatically extend the functionality of RecurDyn/Professional to meet their unique, individual needs.

RecurDyn Post

RecurDyn Post is a stand-alone post processor for analyzing RecurDyn simulation results. Since it operates independently from RecurDyn, you can quickly analyze the existing simulation results during the simulation process.  icon-09.png

Some of the features included with RecurDyn/Professional

RecurDyn/Professional includes a library of contact elements. The contact elements are of various types. General contact elements process contact for general geometric shapes. General contact elements for both 3D cases, as well as cases in which contact can be processed in a 2D plane for increased computational efficiency. Primitive contact elements offer the ability to process contact between simpler, analytical contact shapes, such as boxes, spheres, cones, cylinders, as well as other shapes. Primitive contact elements are extremely efficient for cases in which the geometry matches these analytical shapes. Additionally, various toolkits extend the contact library, adding additional contact technology specific to these toolkits.

  • General contact : Available for any geometry
    Contacts are readily defined for imported CAD geometry.
  • Primitive contact : Faster and more accurate analysis is possible for specific geometries (Sphere, Cylinder, Box, Torus, etc.)

RecurDyn Contact library for Multi Body Dynamics

Characteristics of RecurDyn Contact library for Multi Body Dynamics

RecurDyn supports various types of joints and forces for Multi-Body Dynamics simulation.

  • Support for various joint and force elements necessary for mechanical system modeling
  • Gear, Coupler, Point on Curve, Curve on Curve
  • Special force elements such as Beam Force, Plate Force

RecurDyn Joint and Force for Multi-Body Dynamics

Subsystems are collections of bodies, joints, force elements, contacts, and other elements. Subsystems can then be imported into other models and into other subsystems. Or subsystems can be simulated independently. This can simplify modeling by allowing the elements of a model grouped and reused.Subsystems are collections of bodies, joints, force elements, contacts, and other elements. Subsystems can then be imported into other models and into other subsystems. Or subsystems can be simulated independently. This can simplify modeling by allowing the elements of a model grouped and reused.

  • Complexity reduction and enhanced recyclability by modeling each sub-assembly in the system independently

서브 시스템

RecurDyn/Professional contains sensor elements that can be used inside a model for many purposes, such as to aid in analysis of the results or to provide input to mechatronic control system simulations. There are many different kinds of sensors. For example, there are sensors to measure the distance between geometric features of bodies, to indicate if a body is in a specified region of space, provide the position, velocity, or acceleration of specific points on a body

  • Capable of modeling two types of general-purpose sensors (box and laser)

General sensors of RecurDyn for Multi-Body Dynamics

RecurDyn allows users to write simple function expressions that are executed and evaluated during the Multi-Body Dynamics simulation of a model. Expressions are text strings like sin(5*time) that can be used for many purposes in RecurDyn, such as to specify the position of a body that varies with time, to specify a reaction force, or to create a user-defined constraint equation. Expressions are written directly in RecurDyn, and provide a very simple but very powerful way for users to control parts of a model or generate data that can be analyzed after a simulation
  • Formula definition using various math functions and functions that extract current values in the model during Multi-Body Dynamics simulation
  • Ability to define time-varying position of body, force, and user defined constraint equations
  • Ability to process analysis results(results after analysis) into desired quantities
  • Objective function definition for DOE and optimization
  • Easy to read diagram that shows the topological relationship of the various elements in the multi-body dynamics model

Relation Map of RecurDyn to easily understand Multi-Body Dynamics model

RecurDyn provides various post-processing functions for Multi-Body Dynamics.

  • Result verification using an integrated Post Processor
  • System’s movement verified through animation
  • Plots display position, velocity, acceleration and reaction force
  • Contour plot for time-varying stress and deformation rate that can be confirmed by animation and output to AVI file.
  • Easy to export data to a file that can be opened with Excel
  • Various processing functions such as interpolation, calculus, FFT and filter
  • Gap measurement / Interference Check
    •  You can determine the minimum distance between multiple bodies or detect interferences.
    • You can determine the changes in values through animation after analysis.