Technical Support

RecurDyn V9R2 - Multi Flexible Body Dynamics 글 편집 글 편집 (이전 에디터)

Mesher Enhancements

Various improvements have been made to enable the creation of high quality Meshes and to improve the elements that impede the quality of Meshes. Spending less time on high-quality Mesh creation enables more accurate MFBD analysis. Users can create a high-quality Mesh by first creating a Shell Mesh and then using it to create a Solid Mesh.

Enhancements to the Remesh feature allow users to create more detailed Meshes in areas where it can affect the MFBD analysis. The Quality Check function provides the Min/Max values of various items, so that users can efficiently check the quality and manage low-quality elements.

It is now possible to integrate nodes, or to separate or merge elements to improve the quality of a Shell Mesh. This allows users to obtain high-quality Mesh data and use it for MFBD analysis to produce more accurate analysis results.

Quality Check, Mesh Healing, SolidMesh

  • Use Current Shell Mesh Info.: When creating a Mesh using Solid elements, users first create a Shell Mesh for the surface of a rigid body. After checking the quality of the created Shell Mesh and modifying it, a high quality Solid Mesh is created. This process can be done via the 'Use Current Shell Mesh info.' option in the Mesh dialog.
  • Remesh Improvement: Various improvements have been made to the Remesh feature.  It is now possible to define a different Min/Max for each face prior to Remeshing. In addition, the 'Fit to CAD Geometry' option is now available for a Mesh created with Advanced Mesh.
  • Quality Check Improvement: It is now possible to check the Min/Max values for the ‘Element Check' related items. The 'Line Check' function has been added to check the connection relation of the lines in the corner. Users can use a newly added tooltip display to check the ID of a low-quality element by selecting it in the dialog box.
  • Added functions related to Mesh Healing: It is now possible to integrate nodes, or to separate or merge elements to improve low-quality elements.
    • Node Merge: Ability to merge 2 nodes
    • Combine Shell3: Ability to integrate two Shell3 elements into one Shell4 Element
    • Split Shell4: Ability to split one Shell4 Element into two Shell3 Elements

MFBD Enhancements

Improved Play Animation (using Modal Scaling)


Advanced Connection option

Various improvements have been made to the pre-processing, simulation, and post-processing for MFBD models including FFlex and RFlex bodies with many nodes/ elements or modes. It now takes less time to open model files and the Advanced Connection option can improve the simulation speed when using Matrix Forces and Fixed Joints. Performance improvements have also been made for various post-processing tasks.

  • Improved speed of opening MFBD model files: Opening rdyn files can be up to 50% faster.
  • Improved simulation speed: Simulation speed can be improved using the Advanced Connection option.
    • Matrix Force: When Matrix Forces are applied to FFlex and RFlex bodies, the simulation speed can be improved by 2 to 3 times.
    • Fixed Joint: When Fixed Joints are applied to an RFlex body, the simulation speed can be improved by 2 to 5 times.
  • Play animation: Up to 50% faster when using the Modal Scaling of RFlex body.
  • RFA file generation: When analyzing a model with RFlex Bodies, RFA files can be generated about 2 times faster (Regeneration included).
  • Min/Max calculation performance in Contour window: Calculating Min/Max in Contour window is up to 6x faster.
  • Contour data export: Plot and Export in Contour window is 3 to 5 times faster.

Thermal Load

Analysis can now include Thermal Loads in RecurDyn/FFlex. Users can use an expression to define a Thermal Load on a pre-created NodeSet. The reference temperature can be defined in the Material of the corresponding FFlex body. After the analysis is completed, the Thermal Strain can be confirmed in the Contour View. The temperature, applied as a Thermal Load, and the Thermal Strain for each Output Node can be checked in the plot.

When analyzing MFBD, Thermal Strain and Thermal Stress can now be included in the deformation and stress of a FFlex Body.
