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Stanley adopted MBD for ANSYS
as their Multibody dynamics simulation software in ANSYS Workbench!

multibody simulation of locking plier - Courtesy of Stanley
MBD for ANSYS can be very useful for analyzing the hand tool design.

Stanley adopted MBD for ANSYS as their Multibody dynamics simulation software.

About Stanley…

Stanley Hand Tools is a brand of hand tools. It is a division of Stanley Black & Decker, following the 2010 merger of The Stanley Works with Black & Decker. Stanley owns the biggest market share in the construction and DIY segment.


What does Stanley use MBD for ANSYS for?

The forces applied to locking pliers by the hands of a user result in the distribution of significant forces on the tool. Using MBD for ANSYS, a variety of input forces on the grips can be modeled and simulated numerically over a wide range of conditions to obtain an accurate range of distributed forces over the tool without requiring a physical prototype. These resultant reaction forces at the various joints and connections of the tool can be transferred into a finite element model in ANSYS for structural and durability analyses.

multibody simulation of locking plier using MBD for ANSYS - motion analysis tool

Multibody simulation of locking plier using MBD for ANSYS - motion analysis tool

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The steps to use MBD for ANSYS

Step #1. Import the CAD file.

Step #2. Create joints, spring and contact.

Step #3. Define the gripping force as a driving force.

Step #4. Run the simulations and review the results.

Step #5. Modify the parameters and compare the results.

step 00 - hand tool model




Step #1. Import the CAD file.

Firstly, import the CAD file using ANSYS Workbench.

step 01- Import CAD file of hand tool



Step #2. Create joints, spring, and contact.

Create dynamic objects using GUI.

step 02- Multibody simulation of hand tool using MBD for ANSYS - motion analysis tool



Step #3. Define the gripping force as a driving force.

 step 03- Multibody simulation of hand tool using MBD for ANSYS - motion analysis tool



Step #4. Run the simulation and review the results.

step 04- Multibody simulation of hand tool using MBD for ANSYS - motion analysis tool



Step #5. Modify the parameters and compare the results.

– Changing the magnitude of the input force

– Changing the spring coefficient

-> Users can compare the effect of the change on the output force using the simulation.

step 05- Multibody simulation of hand tool using MBD for ANSYS - motion analysis tool



Load Transfer for FEA

MBD for ANSYS Multi-Body Dynamics simulation outputs are automatically transferred as loads on a FEA model.


Step #1. Configure the MBD Load Transfer.

– Run 1. MBD Load Transfer Config.
– Select the part to transfer the loads and the time instants.

 step 01- Load Transfer of hand tool using MBD for ANSYS - motion analysis tool


Step #2. Set the FE Boundary Condition and Solve.

– Run 2. Set FE Boundary Cond.
– Solve the FEA model using the transferred load condition.

step 02- Load Transfer of hand tool using MBD for ANSYS - motion analysis tool

logo of MBD for ANSYS - motion analysis tool powered by RecurDyn

Multi-Body Dynamics software Tightly integrated into ANSYS Workbench ™

MBD for ANSYS (Multi-Body Dynamics for ANSYS)

MBD for ANSYS is an add-on module for ANSYS Workbench
that is used to simulate the transient behavior of a mechanical assembly in motion
and is developed by FunctionBay.