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글 편집
글 편집 (이전 에디터)
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Scope is a very powerful post-processing tool to review the results without using plot. RecurDyn provides 5 types of Scope. ([Analysis] - [Scope])
1. Angle: You can select 3 markers and measure the angle
2. Point to Point: You can select markers and measure the displacement, velocity and acceleration
3. Expression: You can draw a curve from the expression you defined (without request)
4. Entity: You can review the various results of each entity
5. Gap: You can select 2 geometries and measure the distance between them or check their interference
- You can use Expression instead of Angle Scope or Point to Point
- You can review the results of the expression without defining request
- You can review the results of each entity without moving to plot mode using Entity Scope
Here are some Important advantages of Scope.
- Various results can be reviewed without Plot
- If you turn on Display Animation option in Analysis setting, the curve in the scope dialog is updated during the simulation, so that you can review the simulation results quantitatively during the simulation
- You can examine the results and decide if you need to stop the simulation or wait until it is finished
- You can use the Scope for the entities in the subsystem
The below video shows how to review the result of a bushing force in the subsystem. It also shows that the result is updated during the simulation using 'Display Animation' option.
* You need to use 'Shift' key to select the entities in the subsystem.
In addition, it is worthwhile to know the 2 functions below in the Scope dialog.
- Hold Previous Curve: If you select this button, when the model is simulated again, the previous curve is not deleted and new curve is drawn together, so that you can compare the changes easily
- Add to Plot: The curve draw in the Scope dialog is transferred to Plot, so that you can use various features of Plot
Since it is important to review the transient data in Multi-Body Dynamics, this Scope can be a very powerful tool.