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Gear contact analysis using Meta model

RecurDyn/DriveTrain, a solution that allows you to easily model and simulate various elements of a drivetrain consisting of gears, bearings, shafts, etc. in RecurDyn. It solves such difficult gear dynamics analysis problems using the method of Meta model.

Meta model is to database the analysis results for various gear-related variables. The database used in the Meta model includes input combinations of variables and static analysis results. There is a total of 6 variables used in the Meta model, ranging from the most important Rotational Angle to Penetration, Distance Error, Axial Offset, Twist, and Tilt.

RecurDyn DriveTrain - MetaModel GearDynamics

<Variables used in Meta model>

Benefits of Meta Model – 1. Fast Analysis Speed

Gear contact analysis using Meta model analyzes the correlation between gear-related variables and contact force, and estimates the force generated between two gears while analyzing gear dynamics. This is a method of estimating the value using a pre-calculated Meta model, not a new calculation.

This method is similar to the one used in the artificial intelligence.

Through this method, you can quickly obtain gear dynamics analysis results that dynamically consider transmission errors.

Benefits of Meta Model – 2. High Accuracy

Static analysis is used to create the database required in the meta model. RecurDyn has built-in KiSSsoft, a specialized gear design program, and uses this to create a Meta model for contact analysis. When gears mesh with each other, elastic deformation occurs to the gears. For the accurate simulation of gear vibration problems, the change in meshing stiffness needs to be accurately calculated.


<Kisssoft's contact calculation result>

The meshing stiffness of a gear varies depending on several factors, and rotation is the most representative factor. For the same reason, the Rotational Angle is the most important variable in the meta model's input variables, which affects the accuracy of gear dynamics analysis results.
