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The modeling and simulation of contact between bodies is an important topic in multibody dynamics. A good example of a multibody system with contact is a Geneva wheel mechanism, as shown in the figure (from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geneva_drive):
The drive wheel of the Geneva mechanism rotates at a constant velocity. Both wheels rotate through 90 degrees (one quarter turn) during the time that the pin of the drive wheel is engaged in the slot of the driven wheel. The kinematics of this system includes the two revolute joints of the two wheels and the contact between the pin and all four slots of the driven wheel. The dynamics of the system comes from the clearance and the compliance in the contact. The slot is 19.05mm in width and the pins have a diameter of 18.542mm. The clearance in the slot is 0.508mm. The purpose of this tutorial is to provide a simple introduction to the MBD for ANSYS module that runs in the ANSYS Workbench environment.
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