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글 편집
글 편집 (이전 에디터)
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After simulating a model in RecurDyn, you can plot a graph based on the simulation results. To do so, you must enter Plot mode and select the analysis results to display from the Plot Tree.
However, some of the results may not appear in the Plot Tree. To solve this problem, RecurDyn provides Expression and Request functions to help you plot the desired simulation results.
Take the following model as an example. In this example, Body1 moves along the curve, and the curve rotates around BaseBody1. However, you still want to know the distance from BaseBody1.CM to Body1.CM.
How to use the Standard Request function
◾ The easiest way is to use the Standard Request function.
◾ On the Standard tab, click Create. In the Standard Request dialog window, specify the action marker Body1.CM in Action and the base marker BaseBody1.CM in Base. (Alternatively, you can click the M button to select the action marker/base marker.) You do not need to enter any value in the Reference field.
◾ Once the Request is created, simulate the model. Now, the Plot Tree should display the Request.
◾ Pos_TM indicates the distance from the base marker to the action marker. Pos_TX is the translational displacement of the action marker relative to the base marker along the x-axis of the base marker. If you draw the Pos_TM graph, you can see the distance from BaseBody1.CM to Body1.CM.
RecurDyn also offers two other methods of plotting simulation results. For more information on these methods, see the following FAQs. (You can search for these methods in the Search field.)
>> How to see results that are not output in a plot [2] (Expression Scope)
>> How to see results that are not output in a plot [3] (Expression Request)